I recently read that the Millennial Generation ends with people born in 1992.
What comes after?
Gen D, the Disorganized Generation.
Have you ever tried to organize, be proactive, or get something done in a timely fashion with today's teenagers?
It won't work.
And there's a reason for that. It's called the text message.
Boomers and Xers, remember when you were a kid? If you wanted to have fun on a week-end night, or get anything done that required other people, you had to MAKE A PLAN. Ahead of time.
There were no smartphones, so if you didn't MAKE A PLAN, you would end up ALONE, with nothing to do.
Also a PLAN was something relatively simple, you called 4 people, and said "How about we meet on 15 Main Street, at 8PM for dinner and a movie?" That was your plan. Figure 10 seconds per call. After the dinner and movie, you might hang out for a while and then you went home.
Have you ever watched today's teens make a PLAN? Well it doesn't really happen - a PLAN requires FORESIGHT.
Instead what happens is a series of haphazard, random, chaotic, last minute events.
A typical week-end might happen thusly:
Event 1 - Teen wakes up at noon. Texts 5 friends "Wanna have breakfast?" Three say "k". New round of texts: "Where?". Many texts back and forth until consensus is reached "diner on Main St." More texts back and forth re "When?" This takes 20 minutes. Add more time if your teen is a girl - texts back and forth "What are u wearing?"
Event 2 - Breakfast is now over. New texts to new people "Mall?". More texts: "Which mall?", "Where in the mall?". "Who's driving?" "Can you pick me up?" "What r u wearing?" 20 more minutes go by.
Event 3 - New texts to new people "Party?". More texts: "Whose house?", "Will there be girls/boys there?". "Who's driving?" "Can you pick me up?" "What r u wearing?" 20 more minutes go by.
Event 4 - (precipitated when parents of party house came back from their carefully planned night out, and threw everyone out/called cops) New texts to new people "Hungry?". More texts: "Where?", "Who's coming?". "Who's driving?" "Can you pick me up?" "What r u wearing?" 20 more minutes go by.
???? !!!!!
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