Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Web Secret 417: websites that make you smarter

Thank you interesting for your list of websites that make you smarter.

Here are some of my favorites:

Unplug The TV - and open this link instead – every time the site will generate a new video for you to watch and improve your mind.

High Brow - sends 5-minute long courses direct to your inbox every day. Take a break and learn something new!

Lingvist promises you will learn language in 200 hours.

Creative Live - take creative lessons in photo and video, art and design, music and audio, crafts and even life from the greatest creative minds in the world.

Investopedia - provides financial news digests that are fairly easy to understand even for those of us who don’t know the first thing about money.

Drawspace - always wanted to learn to draw but never got a chance? Drawspace provides lots of lessons whether you are a rank beginner or a skilled amateur.

I think I'll unplug the computer.

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