Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Web Secret 419: The Grid

I consider myself pretty cutting edge when it comes to understanding social media and surfing the net.

Until I hang out with my 22 year old son. He has an extreme awareness and grasp of imminent technologies.

Stuff that is, (far more rapidly than you would expect,) coming soon to a laptop near you.

He likes to talk to me about these technologies before I have had my morning double espresso - he is a morning person - and I don't always process what he is telling me until months later.

So about 6 months ago he started telling me about "The Grid" - a new technology that will allow artificial intelligence to design a website.

That seemed pretty far fetched to me - it sounded like a sequel to "The Matrix" movie series.

But guess what? My son is one of the first people to build a website using a beta version of "The Grid".

The Grid is real.

And I just wasn't cool enough to see it coming.

In case you need audiovisual aids to grasp it, here is an under 2 minute explanatory video put together by my friends at Sandwich Video.


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